Fleshy Friday Movie Review: Zombie Transfusion

Every week the Zombie Cookbook shows you why the world would be a better place if it had more zombies in it. This week however, we showcase another review by Lucio Ruggero, who explores some of the finer examples of study material on life after the zombie-apocalypse.

This week Lucio reviews Zombie Transfusion aka Automaton Transfusion (USA, 2006) and he's none to excited about it... Read on:

This movie is no highlight in cinematic history. I did have some enjoyable moments with it however.

To start with: the plot is extremely thin to the point of non-existence and the characters are completely uninteresting. The gore makes up for this quite well though.

The story: The military is secretly testing a formula that brings the dead back to life, so they can be used as cannon fodder instead of the living. The setting: a small American town, with nice people and a high school whose students we follow as the events unfold.

Infection spreads, people get bitten, infection spreads more, teenagers turn into zombies at a party as the our heroes try their best to escape, although they're not very good at it.

That's about all I can say. It was kind of depressing to see “to be continued” displayed on the screen at the end. A sequel certainly isn't anything to look forward to.

There was a scene I really liked though: a pregnant couple are having a drink at the party. A zombie walks in. He immediately pulls the fetus from the girl's womb and starts devouring it, leaving onlookers to watch the whole thing in shock.

That's all for now, folks! If you have any recommendations for your zombie brethren that are worth the time, please let us know in the comments...

Yours sincerely,

Lucio Ruggoro

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