We ate the news: Zombie penis on the run!

Every week the Zombie Cookbook brings you more evidence of the impending zombie-apocalypse. This week it appears little King Tut has gone missing! No, not the boy king himself... But his mummified zombie-weener appears to have gone off on a hike, all by its self.

It may come as no surprise to you at all that several parts of poor King Tut would be semi-puddle shaped by now. Since he's been dead since.... ehrm... 1323 BC (Wikpedia knows). What will come as a surprise to you is that his mummy penis has gone missing. This raises various questions. Was it even there at all when he died? Or was that what killed him? Or did he (or it) die at all? Zombie-mummy mash-up anybody?

We, of course, know a fairly reasonable explanation for what happened. We've seen it before, see above.

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